Monday, August 24, 2009

The Summer

This summer has been a big learning experience for me in and of itself. I never really claimed to be an expert in the game, just a person who knew how things worked. But man- did I even really know that?

I learned a lot more about really putting myself out there and making opportunities for myself to meet girls. You know, I think for the first time, I really have forced myself to make some changes within. To really look at myself in a way I have never before.

I spent a good deal of time being critical about my looks in the past and spent this summer working out on a regular basis every week to improve myself- but I learned something important. Something dawned on me. I should really be confident in myself and I should never doubt myself. It seems like something that I should have known before and something that mothers have no doubt told their children millions of times before- but I now really believe it.

Just last week, I went for a haircut at this place my mom usually goes to and suggested I try- so I did. The guy who cut my hair went over to my mom to comment on how handsome and good looking I was. No- he wasn't gay. And even if he was gay- that would still be a great compliment. He has a wife and kids- my mom told me this later. This essentially goes against what I was saying before, but to me- this compounded on top of the epiphany I've had recently only serves to make me feel really happy about myself. This only reminded me about the times before that I've been told something similar- that I just seemed to have forgot when I had been hard on myself and my confidence was down.

I guess what I'm trying to say is- you really have to have the right internal mindset for you to have any success at this crazy game that we talk about in this blog. To answer my self-imposed question from the beginning- I guess I did know how things were, but I have become more in-tune with how those things relate to me. I'm glad that I have learned this much at a relatively young age of 19 and not later.

I'm trying to tell you guys that you have to establish strong inner game- a strong internal confidence- where you really believe that you CAN go out there and pick up girls like a champ. I doubted myself at points this summer- but no more. There is no room for that in life. Fucking own that shit. You gotta KNOW it, in order to make others know it too. Trust me- the mastery of this will allow a much greater mastery of all other aspects of the game.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Uniting the Methods

One of the goals for this blog is to show everyone that all this talk about Methods and pickup lines and this n that, really all come from the same core traits. Think of them as the common ancestor or methods. All methods, Mystery, Style, Matador, Tyler Durden, and countless others have similar ways of going about shit.

This brings me to a movie.

My dear friend Nick recommended a movie "The Tao of Steve" about a year ago. I saw it shortly after. I mean, it was no Shawshank Redemption, but the message was great. It was, in a nutshell, a pickup method turned movie. But this one was different.


I'll tell you. Calm down.


It didn't go into any detail about phases or canned material or positioning. It has 3 Main Points, and I'll tell you why this is just as good, if not better, than other ways of "researching" methods.

First, here is the wikipedia article about the movie:

What is the Tao?

Dex christened the Tao after the detached cool exhibited by three Steves of the world, Steve McQueen, Steve Austin from The Six Million Dollar Man, and Steve McGarrett on Hawaii Five-0.

The Tao itself is the philosophy that Dex employs to succeed sexually with women. It consists of three rules:

  1. Eliminate your desires.
  2. Do something excellent in her presence, thereby proving your sexual worthiness.
  3. Retreat, for as Martin Heidegger said, "We pursue that which retreats from us".

Or, as later recapped:

  1. Be desireless
  2. Be excellent
  3. Be gone


Okay. Now, those three rules apply to ANY METHOD YOU READ ABOUT. Take mystery method. This is the first method I used, and is the one I used to use all the time. ANYWAY, non-neediness is discussed in Mystery Method. Look at rule 1; be desireless. Simple, and direct. Next, mystery method goes into all these ways of showing social status. Phases and whatnot, attraction, comfort, seduction. Now, all that is true and fine. He's correct and am not refuting his claims. But look at number 2: be excellent in her presence. Holy shit, that was direct. Next comes the not so easily detectable one in the MM, but I view it as a vital step. Sort of like the nail in the coffin.

Hook, bait, release.

It's so simple, and you don't need to read 210 books to get it. My point here is, is that these 3 rules let you MAKE YOUR OWN STYLE, BUT USING THESE EFFECTIVE ROOTS AS YOUR BASE OF INTERACTION. If you study all these methods and try to come up with analyses of what you're gonna do and this and that, it's just too much and odds are you'll strike out a lot. These three rules are not going to win every battle, but it's ORIGINAL. There are no instructions on how to BE EXCELLENT. That can mean ANYTHING and gives you the capability of doing ANYTHING. You have so much freedom that you're not thinking about phases and lines and peacocking and stories to tell. It's all 100% NATURAL and you don't need much preparation time in doing so. Everything you do is your method and will in essence, I feel, give a better, accurate depiction of who you are.

Because , check this out.

YOU are NOT your canned material.

You are YOU who just (quoting JustMakinLove) Runs with it, being who you are.

Now, Being excellent requires 100% you, meaning you have to step up to the plate and do some excellent shit. DO NOT TAKE THIS WRONG. Don't impress (because that violates rule 1) or try to think of something ellaborate like riding on top of a car. Being excellent can mean using your natural given talent of good humor, or having an excellent discussion about somethign sophisticated or whatever.

This was posted by an Anonamus male reader two years ago on some self help site.

Act like a woman can't get into your club and she will do anything to get in. Guys do the opposite. If you are even thinking of getting laid while talking to this girl you won't. Do something excellent in her presence and don't make a big deal out of it. Retreat. She will chase after you. Cast the reel by doing somthing you are truly good at in ront of her. Demonstrate your value without it seeming like you are trying to impress her and then I guarantee she will chase after you. Imagine you are "James Dean". Believe you are, act like it and everyone will also believe it. If someone had told me this information when I was your age it never would have taken me so long to get girls. Now it's almost too easy. It takes some time but once you have mastered it you can get any girl. Do not treat or put her on a pedestal. Go break some hearts."

Don't overanalyze. This is what I want to teach you baby birds.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The line between peacocking and dumbass

I just want to start out by saying that I second JustMakinLove's comment. You probably won't come across too many websites that talk like this, (considering they want to sell you THEIR product) so I, and I'm sure JML agree that this is a well-worth blog that really aims to help it's common man (and woman).

This post deals with peacocking. I'm sure if you search any PUA site, there's tons of shit on it and how it works. A quick summary: trying to attract girls with showy, interesting clothing. And here is my purpose of this post: too shows and too interesting can BE A BAD THING, FRIENDS.

Whether or not these people know peacocking, you see people with wild-colored hair, crazy shoes and hats etc. I mean, come on, look at Mystery and those goggles. Damn, man.

Anyway, most people can't pull this off, and they feel they do. There are also those who think anything different is good. NO. NO. NO.

This is taken from a Lateral Action's Tyler Durden's 8 Points:

And I quote:

"Tyler’s Seventh Rule of Innovation:

“Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.”

On the other hand, wearing black hipster clothing and hanging in cafes smoking Gaulloises cigarettes does not make you creative. Buying a MacBook Pro and an iPhone doesn’t get it done either.

Creativity and innovation are mainly about hard work. It’s about constantly coming up with ideas and thinking through problems instead of vegging out. And it’s about taking action, plain and simple."

Point taken. Don't think that wearing some dumbass shit is going to attract anybody. I'm not telling anybody what to do. Well, sorta, actually. But i'm trying to help here. Dress who you are. Not who you wish you were. Now if you want to dress confident, and wish you were confident. Guess what? Become confident first, then dress that way.

Something first:

You need to dress at a level of interest EQUAL to your confidence in wearing your clothes.

Very important. I think I'm right here people. Why? Because your attitude and clothes are not going to match up. You're gonna seem to be a phoney doofus and will attract negative attention. "Look at that poser. He thinks he looks cool."

People can tell if you're just putting it on because one's attitude and personality is shown immediately as soon as you enter a room.

One safe thing: there's nothing wrong with looking classy. This is my style:"Interesting and classy" This is the only exception because class has an aura attached which comes with your attitude. It's hard to explain. I bet you I'm contradicting myself now, but I'm only human. Don't be a cholo. Be cool, classy, and with it...and yourself.

P.S. apparantly, girls love classy. Try something new: go to a party and wear trendy clothing, maybe a suit. Try these things at your next "non-themed" party:

Press your pants
Iron your shirt
Smell good (try someting different than Gio or A&F's stuff)
Look Clean
Carry yourself well
Walk upright
No shorts or tee shirts

I bet you'll be classy, and ATTRACTIVE. Because for you college guys, most dudes wear abercrombie and shit like that. It's kinda boring don't you think?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

You've got it now, baby. Just run with it.

Well, it looks like this blog has a new contributor. Not sure how many people are reading this yet, as it was basically started last week, but....just thought I'd have a little intro post here.

I've been friends with Eazy since high school and we've recently been introduced to the PUA universe, although he has known about it/been practicing it a little longer than I have. If you knew us in real life, you would probably think we are the weirdest or the most interesting people you have ever met. Weird as in we have such odd and eclectic interests that span the entire myriad of....things.


I think that the important thing to know about this new realm of social interaction is that we each take something different out of it and we each should be our own individuals. Too often do I see people online, on forums, and other places try to mimic Mystery, Style, and Matador. They are great pick up artists, don't get me wrong. If I could ever come close to matching their success, that would be a feat indeed.

However, I think that the most important thing is to get the big picture from their lessons. Sure you can memorize their lines if you want, but I don't really feel like it's me if I'm using them ALL THE TIME.

Be competent, be alpha, and always think to yourself- I'm awesome, people would love to meet me. This is not some sort of ego booster, mind you. This is for all the people out there who just beat themselves up because they think- "that girl is too hot" or "they're too cool for me" or just some other excuse as to why you don't want to engage new people or why you were shut out of a set.
People try to create avatars of who they would like to be and, a lot of times, tell some lies in order to game girls. Now- I don't care about little white lies like when you are telling a story to embed some DHV spikes- but don't lie about who you are. You don't have to MAKE yourself interesting. EVERYONE is interesting in some way. If you have experienced DIFFERENT things that I have not and you know of things that are new TO ME, then you are interesting because I can learn something/be entertained by you. Of course, when I say “I” and “me”, I'm referring to new people you might encounter. It's funny, because you might be thinking, this is like saying “Everyone is special!”, which- yeah, you can think about it that way. It may seem cliché, contrived, and stupid,'s true.

Put your own spin on it. Make it your own. I'm not telling you to “just be yourself”. Of course if that advice worked, we'd be all getting laid 24/7. What I'm telling you is to take those lessons that you learn from going out into the field and learning pick up and really take the major points from it. Follow the advice you learn from Mystery Method or The Game, but don't forget that, especially after you've built attraction and are just getting into comfortable conversation with the girl or group, you've gotta be you at some point.

That said, is it wrong to take material and routines you learn from other people? No. Of course not. I see people come up with great stuff all the time in PUA forums that I've used at some point. All I'm saying is that don't feel FORCED to change yourself just to be a “pick up artist”. Because one of the most important things, I feel, is to be NATURAL with it. If it feels to pre-scripted, it's gonna show. I've heard Mystery say that you have to internalize pick up. Yeah, that's true. People may misunderstand this as memorizing stuff. I feel like it can be more easily described as just being able to flow with it, so that you don't have to rely on scripted stuff.

I mean, really, it's more about how you say it, so don't just spit out lines you don't actually mean.

That's enough for now. I tend to write a lot more than I should just to get my point across. So, in conclusion:

You've got it now, baby. Just run with it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rejection is fun.

It is. Really. It took me a year to realize it, and when you hear those words you feel like a sack o' shit. But afterwards, you laugh about it. I feel this process, the more you talk to people, is true.

Now, rejection can mean on a date, people disinterested in talking to you, or people trying to make fun of you. Keep that in mind.

phaze 1 In the beginning, you analyze every detail and completely ruin your day over one rejection.
phaze 2 You analyze every detail about what happened, but you get over it quicker; maybe laugh.
phaze 3 After the rejection, you analyze it, then you do it again later.
phaze 4 You get rejected, don't care, laugh about it and go right back into it. Your comfortable with rejection and actually like it. It keeps things interesting and you LEARN FROM IT for the next time.

Example, I was on the bus and asked the girl next to me if she was feeling spontaneous and wanted to play a mind game I came across. She said "No, thanks." I wasn't expecting this, felt a little shitty, but recovered in about a minute. I think I'm around 3. BUT, it was successful because I learned something new. I didn't ask other people around me right after, which would have been better to seem not creepy or whatever. Next time, I'll be prepared. Rejection is fun damnit!

On a side note, I'm posting more links that are great. They're on the side and below.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Social Experiment: Who'se spontaneous?

At the bottom of this post is a social scavenger hunt. (I usually have one good idea per year. I think this is it.) I made this for a few reasons:

First, I really believe that people are bored with themselves. If you don't think so, check this out. Can you imagine you run into somebody gives you their number? At first you might be taken back. But think about it. If people are truly bored, who wouldn't be interested in such an event? It adds so much mystery. Who is that? Should I respond? It's so curious you might just call. That's what I want to find out - to see who actually calls.

Yes, this is a guy scavenger hunt, but if there are any girls reading this (I don't think anyone is) and want to try this, I don't think it will work. This list is designed for guys because its modeled around the whole tradition of the guy hunting the girl. If a girl randomly gave you her number, you'd be shittin all around town. Why? Because it's easier for girls to ask guys out (but they don't). Or rather, the success is significantly higher. I'm not gonna bullshit you, I have no statistical proof. But it makes sense.

Second, you might make a friend or two. Who knows? If you successfully give at least 30 girls (or guys) your number, I hypothesize you'd get 5 responses. When I actually do this, I'll compare by findings.

Even though I feel people are bored with their lives, most people are just too fucking introverted. I hate that when I talk to someone and they are completely unresponsive, like I just ate their cat or some shit. From my "field-testing", around 10% of people will actually "talk" to you, as apposed to people who just answer your questions. That's not anything; that's an interview. It sucks. To be fair, we couldn't have outgoing people if there were no introverts to compare to. Talking on the bus, elevator, class, street, food stand, wherever.

Interesting Find

Most single-serving conversations contain the same boring-ass questions and fillers: (These are taken from my college campus)

"I'm good, how are you?"
"It's nice out."
(after awkward silence)Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh. "
"Well, it was nice meeting you."
"Where are you living next year?"
"How's your sorority/fraternity?"
"I'm so tired (I'm hearing this more and more. Maybe mono's goin around). Other renditions are: "I'm tired as fuck." and: "I slept so much yesterday and I'm still tired."
"What did you do this weekend?"
"My balls itch." (just kidding with that last one.)

I mean, that's how most shit goes with strangers. Granted you don't know anything about them. But that's just it, if you're outgoing, wouldn't you like to know more about them to make a potential friend or lover? No? Yes.

The next time you're talking to someone random, check to see if they say those things. Hell, I probably will too.

So, here we go. Check number 4 especially. Can you imagine her face when it was all a joke? Your threatening remark is gone and is a good topic of conversation. Maybe you'll actually get the date? BYAHH.!






LET EACH GIRL INITIAL BELOW: __________________________________________________________

COMMON SONGS _______________________________________________________________

SAID NO ____

Sunday, March 22, 2009