Sunday, March 29, 2009

You've got it now, baby. Just run with it.

Well, it looks like this blog has a new contributor. Not sure how many people are reading this yet, as it was basically started last week, but....just thought I'd have a little intro post here.

I've been friends with Eazy since high school and we've recently been introduced to the PUA universe, although he has known about it/been practicing it a little longer than I have. If you knew us in real life, you would probably think we are the weirdest or the most interesting people you have ever met. Weird as in we have such odd and eclectic interests that span the entire myriad of....things.


I think that the important thing to know about this new realm of social interaction is that we each take something different out of it and we each should be our own individuals. Too often do I see people online, on forums, and other places try to mimic Mystery, Style, and Matador. They are great pick up artists, don't get me wrong. If I could ever come close to matching their success, that would be a feat indeed.

However, I think that the most important thing is to get the big picture from their lessons. Sure you can memorize their lines if you want, but I don't really feel like it's me if I'm using them ALL THE TIME.

Be competent, be alpha, and always think to yourself- I'm awesome, people would love to meet me. This is not some sort of ego booster, mind you. This is for all the people out there who just beat themselves up because they think- "that girl is too hot" or "they're too cool for me" or just some other excuse as to why you don't want to engage new people or why you were shut out of a set.
People try to create avatars of who they would like to be and, a lot of times, tell some lies in order to game girls. Now- I don't care about little white lies like when you are telling a story to embed some DHV spikes- but don't lie about who you are. You don't have to MAKE yourself interesting. EVERYONE is interesting in some way. If you have experienced DIFFERENT things that I have not and you know of things that are new TO ME, then you are interesting because I can learn something/be entertained by you. Of course, when I say “I” and “me”, I'm referring to new people you might encounter. It's funny, because you might be thinking, this is like saying “Everyone is special!”, which- yeah, you can think about it that way. It may seem cliché, contrived, and stupid,'s true.

Put your own spin on it. Make it your own. I'm not telling you to “just be yourself”. Of course if that advice worked, we'd be all getting laid 24/7. What I'm telling you is to take those lessons that you learn from going out into the field and learning pick up and really take the major points from it. Follow the advice you learn from Mystery Method or The Game, but don't forget that, especially after you've built attraction and are just getting into comfortable conversation with the girl or group, you've gotta be you at some point.

That said, is it wrong to take material and routines you learn from other people? No. Of course not. I see people come up with great stuff all the time in PUA forums that I've used at some point. All I'm saying is that don't feel FORCED to change yourself just to be a “pick up artist”. Because one of the most important things, I feel, is to be NATURAL with it. If it feels to pre-scripted, it's gonna show. I've heard Mystery say that you have to internalize pick up. Yeah, that's true. People may misunderstand this as memorizing stuff. I feel like it can be more easily described as just being able to flow with it, so that you don't have to rely on scripted stuff.

I mean, really, it's more about how you say it, so don't just spit out lines you don't actually mean.

That's enough for now. I tend to write a lot more than I should just to get my point across. So, in conclusion:

You've got it now, baby. Just run with it.

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