Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Uniting the Methods

One of the goals for this blog is to show everyone that all this talk about Methods and pickup lines and this n that, really all come from the same core traits. Think of them as the common ancestor or methods. All methods, Mystery, Style, Matador, Tyler Durden, and countless others have similar ways of going about shit.

This brings me to a movie.

My dear friend Nick recommended a movie "The Tao of Steve" about a year ago. I saw it shortly after. I mean, it was no Shawshank Redemption, but the message was great. It was, in a nutshell, a pickup method turned movie. But this one was different.


I'll tell you. Calm down.


It didn't go into any detail about phases or canned material or positioning. It has 3 Main Points, and I'll tell you why this is just as good, if not better, than other ways of "researching" methods.

First, here is the wikipedia article about the movie:

What is the Tao?

Dex christened the Tao after the detached cool exhibited by three Steves of the world, Steve McQueen, Steve Austin from The Six Million Dollar Man, and Steve McGarrett on Hawaii Five-0.

The Tao itself is the philosophy that Dex employs to succeed sexually with women. It consists of three rules:

  1. Eliminate your desires.
  2. Do something excellent in her presence, thereby proving your sexual worthiness.
  3. Retreat, for as Martin Heidegger said, "We pursue that which retreats from us".

Or, as later recapped:

  1. Be desireless
  2. Be excellent
  3. Be gone


Okay. Now, those three rules apply to ANY METHOD YOU READ ABOUT. Take mystery method. This is the first method I used, and is the one I used to use all the time. ANYWAY, non-neediness is discussed in Mystery Method. Look at rule 1; be desireless. Simple, and direct. Next, mystery method goes into all these ways of showing social status. Phases and whatnot, attraction, comfort, seduction. Now, all that is true and fine. He's correct and am not refuting his claims. But look at number 2: be excellent in her presence. Holy shit, that was direct. Next comes the not so easily detectable one in the MM, but I view it as a vital step. Sort of like the nail in the coffin.

Hook, bait, release.

It's so simple, and you don't need to read 210 books to get it. My point here is, is that these 3 rules let you MAKE YOUR OWN STYLE, BUT USING THESE EFFECTIVE ROOTS AS YOUR BASE OF INTERACTION. If you study all these methods and try to come up with analyses of what you're gonna do and this and that, it's just too much and odds are you'll strike out a lot. These three rules are not going to win every battle, but it's ORIGINAL. There are no instructions on how to BE EXCELLENT. That can mean ANYTHING and gives you the capability of doing ANYTHING. You have so much freedom that you're not thinking about phases and lines and peacocking and stories to tell. It's all 100% NATURAL and you don't need much preparation time in doing so. Everything you do is your method and will in essence, I feel, give a better, accurate depiction of who you are.

Because , check this out.

YOU are NOT your canned material.

You are YOU who just (quoting JustMakinLove) Runs with it, being who you are.

Now, Being excellent requires 100% you, meaning you have to step up to the plate and do some excellent shit. DO NOT TAKE THIS WRONG. Don't impress (because that violates rule 1) or try to think of something ellaborate like riding on top of a car. Being excellent can mean using your natural given talent of good humor, or having an excellent discussion about somethign sophisticated or whatever.

This was posted by an Anonamus male reader two years ago on some self help site.

Act like a woman can't get into your club and she will do anything to get in. Guys do the opposite. If you are even thinking of getting laid while talking to this girl you won't. Do something excellent in her presence and don't make a big deal out of it. Retreat. She will chase after you. Cast the reel by doing somthing you are truly good at in ront of her. Demonstrate your value without it seeming like you are trying to impress her and then I guarantee she will chase after you. Imagine you are "James Dean". Believe you are, act like it and everyone will also believe it. If someone had told me this information when I was your age it never would have taken me so long to get girls. Now it's almost too easy. It takes some time but once you have mastered it you can get any girl. Do not treat or put her on a pedestal. Go break some hearts."

Don't overanalyze. This is what I want to teach you baby birds.

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