Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rejection is fun.

It is. Really. It took me a year to realize it, and when you hear those words you feel like a sack o' shit. But afterwards, you laugh about it. I feel this process, the more you talk to people, is true.

Now, rejection can mean on a date, people disinterested in talking to you, or people trying to make fun of you. Keep that in mind.

phaze 1 In the beginning, you analyze every detail and completely ruin your day over one rejection.
phaze 2 You analyze every detail about what happened, but you get over it quicker; maybe laugh.
phaze 3 After the rejection, you analyze it, then you do it again later.
phaze 4 You get rejected, don't care, laugh about it and go right back into it. Your comfortable with rejection and actually like it. It keeps things interesting and you LEARN FROM IT for the next time.

Example, I was on the bus and asked the girl next to me if she was feeling spontaneous and wanted to play a mind game I came across. She said "No, thanks." I wasn't expecting this, felt a little shitty, but recovered in about a minute. I think I'm around 3. BUT, it was successful because I learned something new. I didn't ask other people around me right after, which would have been better to seem not creepy or whatever. Next time, I'll be prepared. Rejection is fun damnit!

On a side note, I'm posting more links that are great. They're on the side and below.

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