Thursday, April 2, 2009

The line between peacocking and dumbass

I just want to start out by saying that I second JustMakinLove's comment. You probably won't come across too many websites that talk like this, (considering they want to sell you THEIR product) so I, and I'm sure JML agree that this is a well-worth blog that really aims to help it's common man (and woman).

This post deals with peacocking. I'm sure if you search any PUA site, there's tons of shit on it and how it works. A quick summary: trying to attract girls with showy, interesting clothing. And here is my purpose of this post: too shows and too interesting can BE A BAD THING, FRIENDS.

Whether or not these people know peacocking, you see people with wild-colored hair, crazy shoes and hats etc. I mean, come on, look at Mystery and those goggles. Damn, man.

Anyway, most people can't pull this off, and they feel they do. There are also those who think anything different is good. NO. NO. NO.

This is taken from a Lateral Action's Tyler Durden's 8 Points:

And I quote:

"Tyler’s Seventh Rule of Innovation:

“Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.”

On the other hand, wearing black hipster clothing and hanging in cafes smoking Gaulloises cigarettes does not make you creative. Buying a MacBook Pro and an iPhone doesn’t get it done either.

Creativity and innovation are mainly about hard work. It’s about constantly coming up with ideas and thinking through problems instead of vegging out. And it’s about taking action, plain and simple."

Point taken. Don't think that wearing some dumbass shit is going to attract anybody. I'm not telling anybody what to do. Well, sorta, actually. But i'm trying to help here. Dress who you are. Not who you wish you were. Now if you want to dress confident, and wish you were confident. Guess what? Become confident first, then dress that way.

Something first:

You need to dress at a level of interest EQUAL to your confidence in wearing your clothes.

Very important. I think I'm right here people. Why? Because your attitude and clothes are not going to match up. You're gonna seem to be a phoney doofus and will attract negative attention. "Look at that poser. He thinks he looks cool."

People can tell if you're just putting it on because one's attitude and personality is shown immediately as soon as you enter a room.

One safe thing: there's nothing wrong with looking classy. This is my style:"Interesting and classy" This is the only exception because class has an aura attached which comes with your attitude. It's hard to explain. I bet you I'm contradicting myself now, but I'm only human. Don't be a cholo. Be cool, classy, and with it...and yourself.

P.S. apparantly, girls love classy. Try something new: go to a party and wear trendy clothing, maybe a suit. Try these things at your next "non-themed" party:

Press your pants
Iron your shirt
Smell good (try someting different than Gio or A&F's stuff)
Look Clean
Carry yourself well
Walk upright
No shorts or tee shirts

I bet you'll be classy, and ATTRACTIVE. Because for you college guys, most dudes wear abercrombie and shit like that. It's kinda boring don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. "Because your attitude and clothes are not going to match up."

    Good point there, E. You have to be congruent. If you are one cocky ass confident alpha mother fucker, then hell yeah you can pull off a big puffy hat and ridiculous looking stuff.

    That's why Mystery can do that, because he is just at the top of his game and will not be phased by anything.
    Definitely tho- different is still good, just make sure it's a style that you're still comfortable with and won't make you feel any bit self-conscious.
