Monday, August 24, 2009

The Summer

This summer has been a big learning experience for me in and of itself. I never really claimed to be an expert in the game, just a person who knew how things worked. But man- did I even really know that?

I learned a lot more about really putting myself out there and making opportunities for myself to meet girls. You know, I think for the first time, I really have forced myself to make some changes within. To really look at myself in a way I have never before.

I spent a good deal of time being critical about my looks in the past and spent this summer working out on a regular basis every week to improve myself- but I learned something important. Something dawned on me. I should really be confident in myself and I should never doubt myself. It seems like something that I should have known before and something that mothers have no doubt told their children millions of times before- but I now really believe it.

Just last week, I went for a haircut at this place my mom usually goes to and suggested I try- so I did. The guy who cut my hair went over to my mom to comment on how handsome and good looking I was. No- he wasn't gay. And even if he was gay- that would still be a great compliment. He has a wife and kids- my mom told me this later. This essentially goes against what I was saying before, but to me- this compounded on top of the epiphany I've had recently only serves to make me feel really happy about myself. This only reminded me about the times before that I've been told something similar- that I just seemed to have forgot when I had been hard on myself and my confidence was down.

I guess what I'm trying to say is- you really have to have the right internal mindset for you to have any success at this crazy game that we talk about in this blog. To answer my self-imposed question from the beginning- I guess I did know how things were, but I have become more in-tune with how those things relate to me. I'm glad that I have learned this much at a relatively young age of 19 and not later.

I'm trying to tell you guys that you have to establish strong inner game- a strong internal confidence- where you really believe that you CAN go out there and pick up girls like a champ. I doubted myself at points this summer- but no more. There is no room for that in life. Fucking own that shit. You gotta KNOW it, in order to make others know it too. Trust me- the mastery of this will allow a much greater mastery of all other aspects of the game.

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